help Ukraine

Referring to the goals of the Foundation of Hetman Jan Tarnowski (whose founder is the Commune of the City of Tarnów) – the Foundation creates aid fund for Ukrainian citizens, in particular women and children, as well as the elderly and the injured as a result of hostilities.

Collected funds are intended for people staying in the city of Tarnów and in the Tarnów region. Funds will be used for accommodation, food, cleaning products, medicines, integration activities for children and adolescents, as well as any other urgent needs.

Donations can be made by individuals, institutions and companies.

Please make donations to the following bank accounts:

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 60 1240 5194 1111 0010 8647 3027, SWIFT PKOPPLPW in PLN

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 05 1240 1910 1978 0011 1196 9899,  SWIFT PKOPPLPW in EURO

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 05 1240 1910 1978 0011 1196 9899,  SWIFT PKOPPLPW in EURO

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 09 1240 1910 1787 0011 1197 0550,  SWIFT PKOPPLPW in USD

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 09 1240 1910 1797 0011 1199 5755,  SWIFT PKOPPLPW in CHF

Bank Pekao S.A. Account number
IBAN: PL 39 1240 1910 1789 0011 1211 7350,  SWIFT PKOPPLPW in GB


We would like to thank everyone who will not remain indifferent to the harm of others!

After a donation, please send us an e-mail to We will provide a report on the use of your donations.

Additional information can be obtained from Please use UKRAINE AID in the subject line.

If it is necessary to draft a contract for a donation, please also contact us by e-mail.

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